Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Sign our Guestbook

Hey, we'd love to hear about you and what you think of our site. Our ministry and music are all about sharing the Good News and the Love of Jesus. Just enter your thoughts, ideas, prayers, suggestions as comments below and watch this grow with all of our visitors. Jesus Loves you and we do too! Be sure to leave your name, where you're from and an email.

jeff and caroline


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Anonymous said...

Hey...Great site!!!

Anonymous said...

Oppps...I'm from New Orleans!

Anonymous said...

Hello brother Jeff and sister Caroline. You are such a great workers for God and we wish you all the best. God bless! Amen!

The Wikman family
Gagnef, Sweden, Europe

Anonymous said...

GREAT MUSIC, GREAT PEOPLE- thank you, for all you do!

JEFF, CAROLINE- Bless you both!

Scott Elliott - Tampa Bay, Florida

Anonymous said...

How are ya? It's Lee from Walla Walla. I wanted you to know that I got married last Nov. My wife is a good Christian woman with morals and values, and we truly believe God put us together for a reason. Praise the Lord!

Lee Nelson Jr. Walla Walla, Washington

Anonymous said...

Hiya! This is Rhonda, Lee's wife. I have to say that I love the site and your music. What a gift from God that ya'll have! I'll be stoppin' by soon, to check out some more on the site; get more familiar to it and who ya'll are. Look forward to meeting you both soon...

Anonymous said...

WOW Nice web site AND Ministry, Love your web site, and what you do for God's Glory!!! Thanks for listening to God, and sharing your love and His with all...

Love in Christ
Sister Joyce



Anonymous said...

Jesus is not real, come get set free from 2,000 year old myths!

Anonymous said...

This page is awesome ministry! Great work keep it up and God Bless you both!

Desley said...


Jesus bless you and your awesome ministry. May He work in amazing ways to through you to reach the lost and encourage your brothers and sisters.
May He always guide your paths and keep you from slipping.

God bless,

Anonymous said...

I study genetics and evolution. Is that a sin? Please let me know!!

Anonymous said...

Oh BTW good site!

Mr. T said...

Hey guys! Just checking out your site! I've added a link to it on my happyjesusday.com site... I really didn't realize you had this thing up and running. Glory be to God - Amen!

Anonymous said...

Great site! I'm from Missouri and subscribe to you guys. Thought I'd come by and check this site out!

Robin aka crybabiessuck

Anonymous said...

Dave Geary, Logansport, IN

Great ministry. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...


i just finished watching your youtube video on "pulpit pimps." i do agree with you to a certain extent. but just wanted to say be careful with your words. you were condemning people to hell and you need to remember just as they have no authority to do what they're doing, you don't have the authority to condemn people to hell. no matter who they are.

also, i know that you see it as these people are making $600,000 per year and flying in private jets. but typically their salaries are decided by a lawyer who is not affiliated with the ministry at all. the lawyer takes a look at the income of the ministry and from there decides what the founders of that ministry should make.

just wanted to say be careful with what you say and make sure you do your research and know exactly what you're talking about before you start condemning people to hell. other then that i agree that the prosperity message should not be preached. its very unbiblical.

take care! :)

Anonymous said...

Bobster here... Just droped in & this is a great site... Love it & will tell all our youth about it too..

Remember, Jesus loves ya, when nobody else wanted to...

Brother in Christ
Bobster... bobster_1@shaw.ca

Anonymous said...

Hi, this is my first time on here. I saw two of your vids on youtube and thought they were pretty good. You get a thumbs up from me so far! Kathleen

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Hey Jeff:
How are you? You have some great points about the prosperity pimps. I agree with you on most of it. But then you went and started trying to get people to send you money also in the next breath. That takes BALLS. Just thought you should know that you come across as hypocritical and envious...

Don't you have better things to do than spending (wasting) your time and influence criticizing these people?

Here is an idea...tell people what is good about Jesus and why they should love & serve Him rather than being a critic? We have enough accusers of the brethren...we need to be focused on spreading the good news. God can handle those folks Himself.

Anonymous said...

Love your YouTube videos, please pray for me that I will have the courage and action that you have shown to spread God's truth in love. Check out my similar testimony at http://groups.msn.com/butterfliesarefree

Anonymous said...

I saw your video on pulpit-pimping and I totally agree. Amen brother for communicating that message. Hello sister, you guys are really rocking it out for God. I can not wait to meet you both someday...in this life or the next!

~Your sister in Christ
C-bus Ohio

Anonymous said...

Hey there. I enjoy your inspiring videos on YouTube. I am from Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin.

What an awesome ministry!


Anonymous said...

Your morals are incredibly contradictory. I think you guys need to re-read your Bible. I'm not Catholic by any stretch of the imagination but I'm sure God doesn't want you guys condemning his children to Hell (somewhere in Deuteronomy, I can't remember).

Anonymous said...

Yokeup: Stop brainwashing good people who are attending church looking for guidance and good things in life.

And people. Stop wasting your time at church. There are other places you can socialise and have fun with loved ones than at a mainstream cult like church!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff and Caroline,

I just wanted to say I really appreciate your teaching videos! However, I must say that the recent flow of videos, particularly directed at atheists, has really gone too far in the ridiculing category. Message me at YouTube (username = Thorzon) or on my myspace page (click my name above) if you'd like to start a dialog about our methods as Christians.

May God bless y'all as you serve His interests!


Anonymous said...

Atheists don't exsist? They do and here's why:

1. "And the LORD was with Judah; and he drave out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron."
— Judges 1:19

If your god can't handle an iron chariot I should be able to kill him with my Ford. So, he's not omnipotent.

2.And he said unto them, "Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power."
- Mark 9:1

I have to say, I don't think there are any 2000 year old people still running around. These are Jesus' own words. He is supposedly god. God is supposedly omniscient. Jesus was either wrong or lying. So, let's take it as being wrong. Then he's not omniscient.

Hence, your god is neither omnipotent nor omniscient. Why should I pray to "him" when he's proven himself incompetent? It would be like voting for George Bush for another term.

I know of a lot more bible passages that prove that the author was not "god". If you take the bible to be inerrant you can't account for the mistakes and contradictions. If you say that the bible has been changed through the years then it's not the word of god and you can't know what is truth and what is fiction so you have to discard the whole thing.

Anyway, I think that an omnipotent, omniscient god wouldn't let his "word" be changed.

If you take the time to REALLY study the bible like I did you will quickly become an atheist, too. Don't just take a few verses here or there everyday. Sit down and read the thing from front to back and see the horror of your god. If he were real he would be the worst terrorist in the world.

And if you're capable mull over things after you've read them. Don't just call the words think! Christians hate the word "think" for it is the most dangerous word in the dictionary. If you do take the time to think critically about what you've read you will soon become an antheist. You can't help it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Yokeup,

God bless you man.....

Keep up spreading the great message!

be blessed,


Unknown said...

Jeff, Caroline,

I cannot even begin to express just how much enjoyment I receive via your YouTube channel.
Thank you so much for the excellent content you produce.

Don - Memphis, TN.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff,

I just wanted to note that you being a Christian is completely arbitrary. Had you been born in another place or in another time, you would believe, and KNOW, that whatever other god you would worship would be the true god.

I also think you don't really know any atheists. You talk about atheists as a racist might talk about a black person -- from ignorance. Of course the reaction you get from atheists on the Internet are going to be negative given the videos you put on YouTube.

The worst thing about this is that you probably don't even care. You're most likely going to say what you want to say based on what you know right now, and close your eyes/ears to anything that might change your mind.

I just hope that others reading this may actually take the time to honestly challenge their belief. If you really try to put your belief through the wringer of points atheists take against Christianity and you can still believe it is true, you've only become a stronger Christian and one that really understands the case against it. The only reason not to challenge yourself in this way is because of a fear of finding out you may be wrong.

Trumpet4Christ said...

Hey Jeff and Caroline, Let me first tell you that we love you in Christ, (Family and I), and we thank you for stepping up and out (in faith) for what you believe in...Jesus! Folks need to understand that when we,(believers in Christ), take a step of faith and go out to give testimony as to what God has done in our life, its exactly that!, a testimony! In appreciation for the work that our Lord is still doing in my life each and every day, even when things get tough!, i will still tell of the love that he has for me....aaand share His gospel truth with anyone and everyone!...funny thing though, if folks don't like what we believers in Christ have to say and share?......why don't they just QUIT LISTENING!!!!or is it that they know they are wrong and have a deep yearning for the truth?...God's truth.
Trunmpet 4 Christ, Rob Ramos

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, I normally love and tolerate all things spiritual, but please stop trying to push your own beliefs on other people, we all have the right to believe what we want, and if that happens to be different to what you believe, so what? That doesn't mean you have the right to push religion down other peoples throats, or tell them they're going to hell, just have some tolerance and respect of other people's choices! And (presuming he exists in the first place) if god isn't happy with that, I'm sure, being as compassionate as he is, he himself will give us due warning that we've picked the wrong path.

I do not believe in your god, but at least I am kind, open minded, and tolerant, so if god exists and has a problem with me, I am confident that he will let me know himself that I've done a boo-boo.

After all, god is omnipotent, omniscient, and compassionate, right? So he'll understand if I've made a mistake, after all, I'm only human.

Please email me and let me know what you think.


Anonymous said...

Jeff and Caroline,
Love your site and videos. I have thought of doing the same type of thing on youtube. You have enncouraged me to be bold for Christ. Love the joy that exudes from you. keep telling others about Jesus!
Kevin in Wisconsin

Anonymous said...

hey guys, holybabble from youtube here.

i wouldn't have left a message, however, 2 or 3 people from wisconsin already did, and left some god-blessings, so i was forced to at the very least show that someone in wisconsin still thinks. (remember the praying parents that wouldn't take the diabetic daughter to see a doctor? yup, right down the street from me!)

also, you have such a nice site, it seems only fair that i sign in and let you know i was here. i mean it...you really have put together a nice site. (i don't agree with the choice of material, but the layout and structure is awesome.) the country music is something i can do without, however, caroline has a nice voice and the videos were well-done. jeff, you may want to just let her sing...lol.

if there is a god (and neither of us has any proof for or against any gods), that god would not require our worship and praise.

if you were born in another time or place (or both), you most likely would not be christian (almost certainly), but hopefully you guys would still have found each other (and hopefully for you, still opposite sex, because gays are not to be tolerated...lol).

you're both very nice people. that wouldn't change if you opened your eyes to the wonders of nature and didn't have the imaginary god complex.

good bless you guys!

holybabble (adam)

Jason Geisler said...

I think you did a really great job with your website, it’s very creative!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, i think you guys will really enjoy this video relating to God:


Check it out, from 2:10 to 4:25

Peter said...

Hi! Jeff and Caroline, Great site you have here and I hope to gain some encouragement from here. I caught one of your Youtube videos about Mike Murdoch that led me here. Thanks and I hope to be in contact with you. I felt a real joy finding this site.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Jeff and Caroline - This is GenesisGone from YouTube. I thought that I'd check out your website. I haven't had a chance to see much of it since I went almost straight to the "sign our guest book" link. So far, what I've seen of your YouTube videos, I think both of you are pretty cool in Christ. Keep the faith, my friends.

Anonymous said...

Jesus hates you. You need to kill yourself because that is the only good thing you can do for this world.

Anonymous said...

Hi guys. Saw you on Godtube so I thought I'd drop by. Like what you're doing and may God Bless you always. Hugs to you both

Anonymous said...

Hello friends,

Last night, I had a dream that Jesus spoke to me about how the world will end because there are very little believers. In order for me to explain better, I created this website just for all of you to see what I mean:


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff and Caroline,
just wanted to stop by and thank you for all you do.Your videos are a wonderful teaching tool. I have used them in the last couple of months and my relationship with Jesus has grown. I will be graduating from college soon. Then we are moving 45 minutes away so I can attend a Christian College. My relationship with Jesus has grown because of the two of you. Thank you and God bless you

Anonymous said...

A fat pastor once said that fat people (AKA You) are going to hell.

Now if only I wasn't Pagan and believed in hell...Then I'd wish you there as well.

Anonymous said...

I am a truck driver and acquired your "Salt" CD from a truck stop somewhere but only just today got to listen to it....LOVED IT! Couldn't wait to find this site and now very happy to be able to sign your guest book. Looking forward to contact from lots of you. mlowrey35068@gmail.com
In Christ,

KevZen2000 said...

God bless you Yokeup.Nice videos and may god bless your walk with Christ.Hope to see you in heaven.

Sam Lockart said...

Wow, what a shit site.

Anonymous said...

you believe so strong, so i'm sure you have done some research on this topic right. I mean noone would just believe anything blindly. so I know you have read about mythra and how the kings changed the bibles and basically studied the history of how christianity was made. It is great to see that after learning the history of how christianity was made up that you still remain faithful. even after finding out how jesus's life is based completly off of a character that showed up in a religion 3000 years before jesus was born, you still believe! you have great faith and I admire that!

Anonymous said...

Jeff, you are my hero. I love all your atheist videos where tell us h ow to infiltrate the atheist spirit and decapitate it with the sword the almight Alexander The Great (jesus) used. After the head is off, we can watch the blood flow out and turn bright red with Christs purified blood. We can even drink from it!

Chelle said...

Hey hey hey! Jeff and Caroline, great page! I'm just starting out here myself, trying to find my way around, was wondering if you could help, I am soooo lost LOL
Anyways, great materials! GB!

Anonymous said...

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?"

Think about that. Or can you think?

Indy said...

I love what your doing! Keep it up, and don't let anyone on earth dismay you! I just got done watching your video on the (American Police Force) in Hardin MN. This age is soon coming to an end Praise the Lord. I will keep you in my prayers.

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Anonymous said...

Oh, Caroline! Remember when we were fucking so hard that we'd end up lying in a pool of sweat with all the sheets kicked off the bed? Those were the days. Too bad you're screwing that fat guy. I gotta tell ya, you are giving this hetero thing a good long try. Oh, well, guess it's better to have money than great sex! I see you still have a thing for guitars and big rigs. Some things never change...somehow I still can't imagine you taking a dick! You were always the ultimate top. Peace

Anonymous said...

If you think this Caroline isn't hitting up random chicks for "no strings attached" then you're outta your mind. Just look at that face. She has "gayface" for sure and that's genetic. Caroline being straight is like Superman bathing in a tub of Kryptonite. She'd be dead by now. I call a spade a spade. All your talk about being saved and praising God is fine and dandy, but, pretending to be straight is just deceitful. You must have really needed the money or is their safety in being with someone that your heart can't attach to? I know that love stinks sometimes. Seriously, you have gone too far by dragging that idiot along and making him think that you love him in a sexual way. That is ridiculous and cold-hearted. There are some gays that can hide their "gayness" but you ain't one of them. Oh, well, I guess you have to do what you have to do. Now that I think about it; no woman in her right mind would stay with you once she sees all your anti-gay crap you posted on Youtube. You've painted yourself into a corner, haven't you? Caroline, if there is a God then he'll make sure that your idiot husband lives to be 150, just so that you have to put on this hetero facade for the rest of your natural life. Now that is HELL. Maybe I'll post some links to your Youtube anti-gay rants onto my travel websites. Soon you'll be hanging out in public restrooms and end up soliciting sex from a cop! The countdown starts.....NOW!

Anonymous said...

#1 reason Carol loves truck stops: Lot lizards! What goes better with a sermon than a healthy serving of peach pie? Soon to be BrokeUp Ministries.

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